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GLT: A Common API for Lightweight Thread Libraries


GLT is a common API for HPC lightweight thread (LWT) libraries. This library joins the functionality of several LWT solutions under the same semantic. Concretely, it supports MassiveThreads, Qthreads, and Argobots as underlying LWT solutions. Moreover, Pthreads are also supported with comparative purpose.
Documentation created with Doxygen can be found here.

People involved in the project




International Conferences

  • A. Castelló, S. Seo, R. Mayo, P. Balaji, E.S. Quintana-Ortí, , A.J. Peña “GLT: A Unified API for Lightweight Thread Libraries,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 2017), (Santiago de Compostela (Spain)), Sept.2017.